
Home 9 Testimonials

Sessions planning was excellent. All aspects of entrepreneurship and self-employment were covered. All speakers were experienced and involved in innovative experiments. Time management was excellent.


Peoples Science Institute (Dehradun)

I am coming from a very backward area of J&K and this was my first National level conference – I am very happy to have attended it. I got lot of new ideas about livelihood activities and entrepreneurship development. I would like to suggest to STARS Forum to create a platform to bring donor agencies to small NGOs and help in implementation of rural development projects. Awareness of livelihood activities is not well developed in small villages. Education levels are also low. Hence there is a need to reach more people in rural areas.

CMC Santhom Social Service Society (Nowshera, Rajouri, J&K)

Considering the large number of participants, the way sessions as well as accommodation have been arranged is incredible. It would be great if STARS Forum also organises workshops for its affiliates as the learning from those are much more. It will also give better opportunity to interact with participants. STARS Forum is a good platform for sharing models of various organisations.

TARA (Delhi)

स्टार फ़ोरम परिवार के साथ मिलकर पूरने सदस्य व नए सदस्य से मिलनेका मौक़ा मिला। उनके द्वारा कई जानकारियाँ मिली। उनके संस्था द्वारा किए जा रहे कार्य व उसमें अनेवाली समस्या के बारे में तथा उनके अचीव्मेंट के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त हुई। कई नए फ़ील्ड के बारे में जानकरियों का आदान प्रदान हुआ जिसके लाइक हंस फ़ाउंडेशन एवं स्टार्स फ़ोरम वो CORD संस्था द्वारा काफ़ी अच्छे प्रयास किया गया वो काफ़ी सराहनीय है।
S K जैन

उना ग्राहक सुरक्षा समिति, उना (हिमाचल प्रदेश)

I am very much grateful to STARS Forum for giving me an opportunity to present about my initiative. I met many interesting persons and got to know about development, skills and entrepreneurship. As we are going through climate changes, I suggest that the STARS Forum promote skills and training in green energy, solar and bio-resources.

Teach For Green